
Agincourt Mounted Knights

 An inspiration for my Medieval collection comes from Wargames Illustrated March 2019 in their article of the same name. My French Knights that I have are based off of the Accurate Minatures set.  The colours used are based off what I had back around 1995-96, before I went to Korea and based off of ideas I got from the movie Braveheart as I was intending to do a War of Scottish Independence, which i have done with them. Before.  Anyway, I'll get some of my shots up again over the winter.

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Found the Wargames illustrated articles

 I found 3 different articles on the period So I'll be getting some new posts soon. ANd a year later as I'm in Nunavut, I will have to see about doing these battles over the summer of 2023 while I am home in Nova Scotia for the summer. I also got some more Russian infantry for the period. Which I'm cleaning up and will be basing and painting over time.

Hundred years war: Battle of Crecy..

 Another campaign to be done with my new medieval troops. This will pit an English army against a French army. In order to field the right amounts of troops, I'm doing lots of research on both armies. It should be a colorful looking lot. At the moment, the forces are coming together. I have to try and base them then get them on the table. And some pictures 

Reivers will ride again.

 Now this should be an interesting looking group, lots of mix and match of 15th and 16th century figures, mix of fortified places, villages and moors.

Battle of Grundwald July 1410

 This battle fought un 1410 between the Teutonic Order and the Polish Lithuania. It's an interesting battle as there were so many nationalities. So I'll throw in all of my medieval troops. And with the current situation going on its interesting to see how confusing the history is there  Teutonic Knights and Allied Europeans Teutonic Knights: Knights of St John crusaders Earl of Derby, England: Archers  Men at Arms Normans: Saxons Polish/Lithuanian Army Rus: Cossacks: Tartars: Mix of Muslim, Asian types(Japanese Samurai) Spanish Conquistadors as Polish  Viking looking types Scots From my recollections, I refought this battle in my garage in the spring of 2022. However, I failed to take any pictures of the game. I also got side tracked by real life and also I took a job posting in Nunavut, which meant my gamming switched to my other eras. However, I do plan to try the action again, and to fill out the forces again.

War of the Roses

 One of my new campaigns I'm going to work on. I have figures who need paint, I have some terrain I have also borrowed the Osprey publishing book on this from my friend. I will see about doing these battles as a project. I've painted up more of the figures and began to paint them.