
Showing posts from 2018

Norman's and Saxons

Back in the 1990s I was buying up as many Revell sets as I could. I only bought a set of each so I couldn't very well play Hastings My Norman army. I began to paint some of them. I seem to have also lost one of the mounted knights My Saxons however I have nearly completed in painting. I will be fielding both armies in engagements where I need to flesh out a Crusader army.

Crusader Battle

Another project I have been looking into is a Crusader, Islamic clash. I have a polyglot assortment of figures, I just need to field what I got onto a table. Pictures of the units to be fielded. With an influence from Wargames Illustrated, this project will see the light of day. Having read Dr. Steve Tibble's article in WI issue 373 November 2018, I have found that I can field an army made up of several of my Dark Age figures. The fact that I have few cavalry isn't an impediment. So during this week, I shall see about setting up this battle. My Islamic force is a bit small but had a good amount of camel and horse mounted cavalry. I also have a unit of Mameluke's who will masquerade as some exotic unit. If the weather hadn't been so subzero and I hadnt had errands to do today, I would have had some pictures up 12/8: So far, the Islamic force smashed into a Saxon battle group scattering them. A Norman group is attempting to halt the Moors from crushing the Christi

French Knights mounted and on foot

Another project I should work on are the figures that my son likes namely being knights. I have debated getting rid of this collection but I do see some skirmish options As well, if I can mix these into early Pike and shot, I should be able to keep them. I shall get some pictures up today My French Knights are almost completely armoured. I noted that they have no archers. This might give them some issues in battle, so I will draft in Norman archers or make sure to have crossbows